Posts Tagged 'Sexting'

Kevin Hart Sexts!

Comedian Kevin Hart thinks he knows how to sext. Be blunt, but then back down immediately when asked about it. And if there's one thing women love it's when a man starts out strong but immediately acts like he was pretending, that's totally a turn-on, right ladies?


Love And Cellphones!

People are really attached to their celphones - no, like really attached, to the point that a cellphone is an extension of their body, to the point that cellphones are becoming inextricably tied to sexuality. Planned Parenthood is on track, using cellphones and apps to connect with sexually-active youngsters. When the days of risking being on AOL naughty chatrooms via the family computer are long gone, and people carry around a computer faster and more connected than that in their pocket, it's no surprise that people are taking their sexiness wherever their phone can go -- and NY Mag has 20 people's example of using their phones to get it on with other humans.

Picture Via.

Sexting How-To!

Just in case you had no idea how to flirt via celphone, Fox News wants to make sure you know how to do it right. As with most mainstream-media's attention to sex, about all they broadcast are the most shocking and unrealistic aspects of this huge social 'problem'. 'IAYM' - I am your master? Who the fuck 'sexts' that? 'NALOPKT' - Not a lot of people know that? Is that really that common of a sexting sentiment that it needs a long and cumbersome abbreviation? It sounds like a IIRC and IMHO companion, and not sexy. Anyone who's had flirted or had sex in chat - which is what, essentially, sexting is - would know that the kind of phrases that evolve into abbreviations would be things like "ILYN" (I lick your nipples), "SYC" (Sucking your cock), "OYDIN" (Oh yeah, do it now). I just made those up, but Fox News is welcome to quote them next time they want to sound 'in the know'. When you get to the end of the article, though, the last three or four tips on sexting safety are pretty good, although #2 is only setting you up for laughter. "Excuse me, but would it be OK if I sent you a sexually-oriented text message later, using a variety of unsexy acronyms that I learned from Fox News?" No, lady, that ain't gonna fly.