Posts Tagged 'Madonna'

Britney And Madonna Smooch!

I'm too poor for cable TV -- and who watches MTV anyway -- but I awoke today to find THIS...Heavy tongue action between one Britney Spears and one Madonna. Oh, and a kiss with Cristina Aguilera that looks like she was talked into doing it against her will. But - DAMN! Lick me, spank me, let me play too, but these pictures are a big freakin' tease. And I'm not even sure who Britney Spears is, either.

BTW -- as you've noted in the last few posts, I've been in touch with Gracie of Adult Backwash and Much to my surprise, things 'blossomed', and now I'm randomly entertained by Gracie arriving at my apartment, late at night, for a long, friendly fuck. Life couldn't be better!