Young Wives: Sluts!

Well, it's young wives and old men, hopefully not together (well, I guess that'd be OK: old guys gotta have fun somehow). While the overall scale of infidelity is pretty stable, the ends of the bell curve are turned upwards. infidelity in young couples and old couples have jumped quite a bit. And what's causing it? "increasing availability of pornography on the Internet...may be playing a role in rising infidelity." BASTARDS! That little bit of information isn't supported by any doctor's statements (unlike other quotes in the article), and it doesn't really say how it translates to adultery other than adjusting 'normal' sexual expectations. That should have an ! increase in BDSM, not adultery, because adultery is relatively normal according to other quotes in the article. Tara Parker-Pope of the New York Times, what makes you so anti-porn?

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